Preserved Wood and the Environment

Preserved wood offers many environmental benefits compared to alternative materials. It is the only construction material made from a sustainable, renewable resource and the application of preservatives extends the natural life of the wood from years to decades.
Assessing the environmental benefits of any building product requires a more systematic, science-based approach rather than the subjective and sometimes misleading claims that are often promoted. The preserved wood industry commissioned a series of assessments using internationally recognized life cycle science to provide an objective basis to determine environmental benefits.
Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs)
The process of conducting a Life Cycle Assessment considers the full cradle-to-grave perspective on a product. The LCAs for preserved wood products shown below were done according to ISO 14044 standards and have been subject to scientific peer review to confirm the results.
- Summary – LCA of ACQ Wood Decking vs. Wood Plastic Composite Decking
Executive summary of a life cycle assessment detailing the environmental impacts of ACQ-treated lumber decking compared to wood plastic composite decking.
6 pages, 05/12. Click here to purchase full LCA report.
- Summary – LCA of Borate-Treated Lumber Framing vs. Galvanized Steel Framing
Executive summary of a life cycle assessment detailing the environmental impacts of borate-treated framing lumber compared to galvanized steel framing.
6 pages, 05/12. Click here to purchase full LCA report.
- Summary Report on LCA of Penta-Treated Utility Poles
Conclusions and summary of an LCA on Penta-treated wood poles vs. steel and concrete.
6 pages, 03/12. Click here to purchase full LCA report.
- Summary Report on LCA of CCA-Treated Utility Poles
Conclusions and summary of an LCA on CCA-treated wood poles vs. steel, concrete and fiber-reinforced composite poles.
6 pages, 03/13. - Summary – LCA of Wood Marine Pilings
Executive summary of a life cycle assessment detailing the environmental impacts of wood marine pilings compared to concrete, galvanized steel and plastic marine pilings.
6 pages, 11/12. - Summary – LCA of Highway Guard Rail Posts
Executive summary of a life cycle assessment detailing the environmental impacts of CCA-treated highway guard rail posts compared to galvanized steel posts.
6 pages, 02/13. Click here to view and download full LCA report. - Summary – LCA of Railroad Ties
Executive summary of a life cycle assessment detailing the environmental impacts of Creosote-treated railroad ties compared to concrete and plastic rail ties.
7 pages, 04/13. Click here to view and download full LCA report.