Learn how wood is protected from fire through pressure treating with fire retardants in the new, full-featured website FireResistantWood.org.
While wood offers many beneficial features, it also burns when exposed to fire. Fortunately, for some uses the wood can be treated to protect against fire. The FireResistantWood.org website offers extensive information about how pressure treating can protect wood against fire.
Explore how fire retardant wood products are made and how they work to protect structures against fire. Discover the advantages of pressure treating vs. surface coatings and find out more about the interior and exterior fire retardant treatments used by Western manufacturers today.
The website features sections detailing how fire retardant-treated wood is made and used today, including:
The Sources section lists Western treaters that make FR wood products, with sales contact information and links to their respective websites.
Visitors also can download publications from an Online Technical Library, which also includes links to a variety of publications and product support materials available from fire-retardant treatment manufacturers.
Check out the best online resource on fire retardant-treated wood today: FireResistantWood.org