Online Resource for Preserved Wood Utility Poles

Wood utility poles pressure treated with preservatives have carried power and communications to the public for more than a century and these poles will continue to serve society for decades to come. They have been used so long, in fact, that their amazing benefits are often overlooked or even forgotten.
Preserved wood poles combine exceptional inherent features, which have evolved in nature over millions of years. When combined with the life-extending capability of wood preservation technology, wood utility poles serve as the backbone for the North American electrical distribution system. And improvements continue to be made — in conditioning processes, enhanced preservative solutions, modern treating procedures, life-extending remedial treatments and streamlined delivery methods. This ensures that economical, durable, available wood poles and crossarms will be the choice of the future.
The website, offers extensive information about preservative-treated wood utility poles. Developed by the North American Wood Pole Council (NAWPC), the site details essential information about wood utility poles, from how they are made and treated to design specifications and environmental considerations.
Sections in the website include:
- Pole Preservatives
- National Design Standards
- Design/Engineering
- Service Life
- Carbon Sequestration
- Fire Protection
- North American Pole Suppliers
The site also features an extensive Online Technical Library on wood poles with a host of downloadable publications, guides and tools.